23 – Progress Update: Fixing Stage Complete

fixing 2On Monday came the “enclosed” invoice for a not-insignificant chunk of cash; today the “fixing” stage invoice arrived for about half that amount again. Apparently the builder was hanging on to invoices around the end of financial year period.

If nothing else, it seems like progress is moving quickly now (quicker than it really is!). In either case, we’re now nearing the end of the construction phase with “practical completion” the last outstanding invoice.

Stacey, our Client Liason Manager at Open Wealth, called this morning to let me know the fixing stage invoice would be sent through and we also spoke briefly about inspections, insurance, and property management. Notably, the real estate agency recommended by Open Wealth will send us an updated rental appraisal. The initial appraisal we received late last year was (a conservative) $380/week and I’m curious to see whether this has moved up or down (Open Wealth suggested the actual rental income on many of their builds in this estate is closer to the $410/week mark—I based my forecasts on the $380 figure). As more new product becomes available in this estate, and on the back the health of the national economy, I’ll be interested to see where we land—hopefully above the $380 benchmark and also in relation to the higher $410 figure.

It’s hard to believe we’re already nearing the point when a tenant will move in and the property will become income generating. Although I’d obviously prefer to be on the ground supervising the details of the build and feeling in-tune with this aspect of the process, I’m also comfortable knowing we don’t need to be there—that we’ve put our trust in Open Wealth and paid them to stand in our place while we undertake more productive activities.

Fixing 1fixing 3fixing 4

With this stage complete, items like the plastering, tiling, kitchen, and laundry have been ticked off. With the next milestone, tap ware, sinks, shower screen, light fittings, air conditioners, blinds, and kitchen appliances go in, the carpet will be laid and the house painted, feature walls will be rendered and the driveway poured, the letterbox will be built, and the house will be cleaned.

Meanwhile, the property manager will be rounding up potential tenants for short-listing by Open Wealth and, ultimately, selection by us. The builder will have two weeks to address any issues found during inspection (following the practical completion milestone) and it may be possible (I’d guess likely—given the rental guarantee) there will be a few pre-handover inspections before any formal open for inspections take place after handover.

I suppose a disclaimer is also worth posting: I'm just a guy, I'm not an accountant, lawyer, solicitor, tax agent, mortgage broker, banker, financial adviser, insurance agent, land developer, builder, government agent, or anything else so I disclaim your application of anything I write here is to be applied at your own risk. What I write may be incorrect and you are best to seek your own professional advice (tax, legal, financial, and otherwise) before entering into contracts or spending your money. Your situation is unique to you and what I write here reflects my experience only. This content is not professional advice and is not tailored to your situation. I'm learning too and expect to make many, many mistakes along the way.



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