And that’s the end of the beginning, so to speak.
Since land settlement in March (only six months ago), we’ve built a house and found tenants. The grunt work to secure financing happened before all of that, of course, so make it nine months all up if you exclude our dithering at the beginning of the process.
I spoke to our Client Liaison Manager at Open Corporations earlier this week—the final phone call to say “it’s all done”—and today we received a fitting gift from Open Corp in the form of the Monopoly game.
From here we transition into the various guarantee phases with Open Wealth (rental and maintenance) and start on the pathway to long-term property value appreciation. Hopefully the property will become positively geared one day in the near future (I’ll post a financial overview of our current situation in an upcoming post). The next few years will certainly be enlightening as I interpret the numbers come tax time and we do our best to ensure we’re keeping the ATO happy.
It’s impossible to accurately predict what the future holds for our family and our country and whether this will prove to have been a sound investment. Will negative gearing laws have been abolished and would that really affect us much anyway? Will more significant tax reforms have come into play? What will population statistics show? What will the employment landscape look like. Will China be at war with the West? Will the upwards trend in property values that started in the 70’s continue at the same pace or fall back? Will there be a shift towards a preference for apartments over houses?
Going on the history, it will have been a wise investment and become an asset but I’m not going to assume history will repeat because there’s no guarantee. For now, however, I think we’re on the right track and I’ll leave it to the goodwill of time to smooth out any short-term lumps and bumps. The hope, of course, is to one day retire—if not live—off the income from this and other (as yet to be acquired) properties.
Of course Brisbane hasn’t seen much in terms of significant growth for a little while now so it will be very interesting to see if we do get that initial growth as the property clock advances and the cycle peaks in the next few years.
I suppose a disclaimer is also worth posting: I'm just a guy, I'm not an accountant, lawyer, solicitor, tax agent, mortgage broker, banker, financial adviser, insurance agent, land developer, builder, government agent, or anything else so I disclaim your application of anything I write here is to be applied at your own risk. What I write may be incorrect and you are best to seek your own professional advice (tax, legal, financial, and otherwise) before entering into contracts or spending your money. Your situation is unique to you and what I write here reflects my experience only. This content is not professional advice and is not tailored to your situation. I'm learning too and expect to make many, many mistakes along the way.